I have always had a home office but not one that was full time. Now that I have officially spent more than 6 months working from a home base I thought I’d share some of the pros and cons for anyone considering the same.
The Pros:
You can’t beat the commute. Roll out of bed and you are there. I save on gas and Zzzz.
Lunches are fantastic cause you make what you want.
I don’t have to worry about my business attire (unless I am visiting a client).
It is extremely quiet.
Freedom – I can take a nap or a motorcycle ride when I want because I don’t have set office hours.
Quality time with kids or pets if you have them.
No rent to pay! Parking is free.
The Cons:
I drink waaaay to much coffee!
Yard work/home maintenance always beckons. “don’t work on that website, you’ve got a lawn to mow”.
Sometimes its too quiet. You start to go a little looney without any human interaction.
Suburbs are way noisier than the city. I know I just said its too quiet but thats inside. outside is a continual buzz of landscapers moving from one house to the next – it is constant in the Spring , Summer, Fall.
No snow days in the winter.
If you have pets or kids they can get in your way. Just because you are home doesn’t mean you are not “at work”